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Koffi Olomide Arrives To Spice Up Royal Tour

Koffi Olomide has landed in the country ahead of the Royal Tour Executives Dinner and Concert at Mlimani City Hall in Dar es Salaam tomorrow.

Speaking at Julius Nyerere International Airport (JNIA), the Congolese singer says he is ready to dish out his populous songs to make the concert memorable.

“I am happy to be here and I know that my fans have missed me a lot. I am thankful for this opportunity to sing and dance together with my fans. My band is already here for tomorrow’s event,” he says.

On his part, Organiser of the event Paul Mashauri reveals that they have organised the concert as one way to promote internal tourism while urging more Tanzanians to descend at the venue.

He also named Olomide as one of the renowned singers in Africa and the world at large saying his popularity will help a lot to promote the country.

“He has been in the music industry for a longtime as such, he is able to help us in promoting our tourism. Again, because of his influence in the world, he can assist in bringing potential investors,” he says.

He then challenged domestic artistes to sing out songs of promoting Tanzania to the rest of the world by shooting their videos at numerous attractions that the country is endowed with.

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